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It’s one or the other….

‘So what are you telling me is that I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t. That can’t be right?!’ ‘Yep,’ I replied. ‘It is one of the great failings of the system. If you go through it step by step, and tell them about the issues, they may complain. But if you...

The shape of things to come?

As I referred to in my earlier article ‘Employment Rights in the Uber model canvass’, the Employment Court in the United Kingdom was recently asked to rule on the status of Uber drivers. Its ruling was published on Friday last week, with the court deciding...

‘Mercy’ – the embezzler and the Pretty Woman

In case you are wondering about the ‘mercy’ in the title, it requires pronouncing, even singing, in your best Roy Orbison voice, to properly understand its relevance to the subject matter of this case! As regular readers will know, ordinarily, I try to...

Brexit – no cake and eat it

At Ashbrooke Law we pride ourselves in straightforward, sensible legal advice, expressed in plain English. With clients in both Australia and the United Kingdom, we have been watching Brexit particularly carefully, to ensure that we stay across the opportunities and...